Results for 'Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell'

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  1.  28
    Wittgenstein’s Critique of Frazer and Realism/anti-realism Concerning Religion.Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus, Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 403-420.
    This article addresses the impact the reception of Wittgenstein’s works has had on philosophy of religion and the study of religion. Wittgenstein’s critique of Frazer has inspired the current fundamental dichotomy between two views on religious belief: a cognitivist, realist interpretation and an expressivist, anti-realist interpretation. Wittgenstein’s account provides an interpretation of religious language that makes sense of existential and non-literal meaning of religious practices and cognitive content, and his account has become a stepping stone for a tradition in philosophy (...)
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  2.  34
    Why Not Open the Black Box of Journal Editing in Philosophy? Make Peer Reviews of Published Papers Available.Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell & Esben Nedenskov Petersen - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (3):245-257.
    Despite general agreement within philosophy that peer review is indispensable, its fairness and reliability is often questioned. This article suggests that such worries can to a large extent be met by adopting the practice that reviews as well as earlier versions of papers are made publicly available when the final version of a paper is published. This suggestion combines the advantages of transparency with the merits of anonymity of reviewers. While there are obstacles to this suggestion, the article argues that (...)
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  3. Defining Religion: A Philosophical Case Study.Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Southern Denmark
    The thesis attempts to provide a real definition of religion and argues that this is less problematic than is often assumed. It begins with a brief introduction which outlines why it is attractive to subject the attempt to define religion to a philosophical investigation. It is argued that defining religion is interesting because it is something which appears difficult to do, which scholars of religion often oppose, and which has practical implications. In addition, defining religion provides an opportunity to address (...)
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  4. Why Philosophy? Aims of Philosophy with Children and Aims of Academic Philosophy.Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2013 - SATS 14 (2):176-186.
    While professional philosophers are often reluctant to address the issue of the aims of philosophy, the field of philosophy with children is abundant with articulated aims which tend to be more concrete and ambitious than those of academic philosophy. Is this asymmetry a problem? And how are we to think about the aims of philosophy with children? This article argues that not much will be gained from looking to academic philosophy because discussions here are surprisingly meager and have provided little (...)
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    philosophical dialogues on hans christian andersen’s fairy tales: a case study of dialogue manuals.Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell & Anne Klara Bom - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17.
    In Denmark, teaching the famous fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen poses a challenge in primary education because cultural heritage status and oversimplified readings make it difficult to engage students in authentic readings. A strategy could be to use philosophical dialogues from the tradition of philosophy with children because this is a student-centred approach to teaching where students explore questions and ideas together, and where the teacher assumes the role not as authority, but as facilitator of the dialogue. This kind (...)
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  6.  22
    Idealer og virkelighed i Filosofi med børn.Cæcilie Ketil Hejl & Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2020 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 9 (1).
    Filosofi med børn har siden 80’erne været kendt i Danmark som en stærkt dialogisk undervisningsform med fokus på elevernes evne til at reflektere sammen og argumentere selvstændigt. Feltets idealer kan dog være vanskelige at leve op til i praksis. Denne caseanalyse undersøger en rapport, hvor de dialogiske idealer for Filosofi med børn beskrives sammen med praksiseksempler, og analysen viser, at den faktiske undervisning ikke lever op til idealerne. Casen illustrerer dermed nogle af udfordringerne ved at bryde med en klassisk lærercentreret (...)
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    Documentation of ethically relevant information in out-of-hospital resuscitation is rare: a Danish nationwide observational study of 16,495 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. [REVIEW]Kristian Bundgaard Ringgren, Kenneth Lübcke, Heinrich Dedenroth Larsen, Julie Linding Bogh Kjerulff, Gunhild Kjærgaard-Andersen, Theo Walther Jensen, Mathias Geldermann Holgersen, Lars Borup, Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg, René Arne Bergmann, Søren Mikkelsen, Dorthe Susanne Nielsen, Helle Collatz Christensen, Annmarie Lassen, Erika Frischknecht Christensen, Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, Lars Grassmé Binderup & Louise Milling - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundDecision-making in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest should ideally include clinical and ethical factors. Little is known about the extent of ethical considerations and their influence on prehospital resuscitation. We aimed to determine the transparency in medical records regarding decision-making in prehospital resuscitation with a specific focus on ethically relevant information and consideration in resuscitation providers’ documentation.MethodsThis was a Danish nationwide retrospective observational study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests from 2016 through 2018. After an initial screening using broadly defined inclusion criteria, two experienced (...)
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    A deep-seated schism: Fundamental discussions in the study of religions.Caroline Schaffalitzky - 2015 - Bulletin for the Study of Religion 44 (4):34-39.
    Editor's introduction to the Bulletin for the Study of Religion 44.4 (2015): -/- Specifically, this introduction presents a panel of appears responding to Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell's JAAR article on essentialist definitions of religion, an Open Letter to the AAR from Kat Daley-Bailey (and comments on the problems facing adjunct faculty with regard to the AAR annual meeting), a standalone article by Joseph Laycock on the Irving, Texas controversy Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed’s homemade clock (taken as a bomb (...)
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  9.  38
    Does the "Morning Morality Effect" Apply to Prehospital Anaesthesiologists? An Investigation Into Diurnal Changes in Ethical Behaviour.Caroline Schaffalitzky, Anne Craveiro Brøchner, Lars Grassmè Binderup & Søren Mikkelsen - 2020 - Healthcare 2 (8).
    The "morning morality effect"-the alleged phenomenon that people are more likely to act in unethical ways in the afternoon when they are tired and have less self-control than in the morning-may well be expected to influence prehospital anaesthesiologist manning mobile emergency care units (MECUs). The working conditions of these units routinely entail fatigue, hunger, sleep deprivation and other physical or emotional conditions that might make prehospital units predisposed to exhibit the "morning morality effect". We investigated whether this is in fact (...)
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  10.  41
    Philosophy outreach through teacher education.Caroline Schaffalitzky - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (1).
    Building a university outreach programme is a complex task that requires coordination of funding, regulations, research aims, practical activities and recruitment strategies. This article describes the building of an outreach programme based on the Philosophy with Children practice and the associated changes in the programme’s research focus, practical activities and organisation over the first five years. Where did the initial inspiration come from, what form did it take eventually, and what have we learned? The article outlines our strategies and activities (...)
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  11.  69
    On Essentialism and Real Definitions of Religion.Caroline Schaffalitzky - 2014 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 82 (2):495-520.
    This article counters the widespread view within the study of religion that a real definition of religion should be avoided. It argues that an essentialist approach is not necessarily as contentious as is often assumed and that alternatives to essentialist definitions are less well-founded than they may appear. The article opens with an outline of different types of definitions and a discussion of common concerns. It goes on to present a starting point for providing a real definition and ends with (...)
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  12.  58
    Learning to facilitate dialogue: on challenges and teachers’ assessments of their own performance.Caroline Schaffalitzky - forthcoming - Educational Studies.
    Research has indicated that dialogic approaches have desirable effects in education, but it is also well-known that it can be a challenge for teachers to make the transition from the traditional teacher role to that of the facilitator. Based on a case study, this article investigates the successes and shortcomings of 29 teachers learning to facilitate classroom dialogue in teacher development programmes. The article analyses the trainees’ written selfevaluations and the supervisors’ feedback to examine the extent and nature of the (...)
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    Children’s experiences of online philosophical dialogues.Caroline Schaffalitzky, Søren Sindberg Jensen & Frederik Schou-Juul - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-27.
    Researchers are increasingly interested in the impact of philosophical dialogues with children. Studies have shown that this approach helps realise dialogic ideals in learning environments and that Philosophy with Children significantly impacts children’s cognitive and social skills. However, other aspects of this approach have attracted less attention – for example, given the focus on children’s thinking, voices and perspectives in Philosophy with Children, surprisingly few studies have examined how children experience philosophical dialogues. The aim of this study was to help (...)
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  14. Is the ugly duckling a hero? Philosophical inquiry as an approach to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales in Danish primary school teaching.Anne Klara Bom & Caroline Schaffalitzky - 2019 - Forum for World Literature Studies 11 (2):226-241.
    Hans Christian Andersen is a cultural icon, and his fairy tales are famous around the world. But despite the positive ring to this description, his status as a canonized author poses a challenge when he is passed on to new generations of readers. In this article, we show examples of how this challenge reveals itself in Danish primary school teaching where Andersen is an obligatory figure in the subject Danish where he is frequently framed as a national romantic author of (...)
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  15. Termination of prehospital resuscitative efforts: a study of documentation on ethical considerations at the scene.Søren Mikkelsen, Caroline Schaffalitzky, Lars Grassmé Binderup, Hans Morten Lossius, Palle Toft & Annmarie Touborg Lassen - 2017 - Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 35 (25).
    Background Discussions on ethical aspects of life-and-death decisions within the hospital are often made in plenary. The prehospital physician, however, may be faced with ethical dilemmas in life-and-death decisions when time-critical decisions to initiate or refrain from resuscitative efforts need to be taken without the possibility to discuss matters with colleagues. Little is known whether these considerations regarding ethical issues in crucial life-and-death decisions are documented prehospitally. This is a review of the ethical considerations documented in the prehospital medical records (...)
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  16.  28
    Fatores socioeconômicos e saúde de crianças em contexto de violência.Erick Verner de Oliveira Aquino, Bruna Dayane Gomes Ataíde, Isabela Araújo de Oliveira, Bruna Martinez Yano Lima, Hellen Caroline Pereira Machado & Margareth Regina Gomes Veríssimo de Faria - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    Esse estudo objetivou analisar a violência infantil no contexto brasileiro, correlacionando-a com fatores socioeconômicos, socioculturais, geracionais e de gênero, investigando o impacto dos mesmos na saúde das crianças. Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, realizado a partir de dados de artigos científicos e documentos oficiais sobre e violência infantil, além do banco de dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) e da plataforma SciELO e Google Acadêmico. Encontrou-se uma maior prevalência de violência física e negligência, maior índice de (...)
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  17.  12
    Das Argument „künftige Generationen“ in umweltethischen Konflikten: Funktionen des Ungeborenen.Carolin Schwegler - 2016 - In Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer, Funktionen des Lebendigen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 123-158.
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    O conceito freudiano de pulsão e o estatuto epistemológico da psicanálise: o olhar de Heidegger e de Ricoeur.Caroline Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):300-327.
    Com esse artigo pretendemos examinar duas posições distintas em relação ao conceito metapsicológico de pulsão e à identidade epistemológica da psicanálise. Ao investigar as bases ontológicas da metapsicologia, o filósofo Martin Heidegger encaixa a psicanálise freudiana no rol das ciências da natureza. Para Heidegger, ao usar o conceito de pulsão para descrever as nossas urgências e ímpetos, Freud estaria usando um constructo teórico carregado de uma objetividade não-humana. Ricoeur, por sua vez, advoga que o conceito de pulsão teria o poder (...)
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  19. L'art de compiler à byzance: La lettre γ du florilège coislin.Iise de Vos, Erika Gielen, Caroline Mace & Péter van Deun - 2008 - Byzantion 78:159-223.
    The Florilegium Coislinianum, from which we are editing the chapter dealing with words beginning with the letter ?, is a large Byzantine anthology, dating back to the 9th-10th cent. Its manuscript tradition has been exhaustively explored for the first time in this article and our edition is based on 11 manuscripts, dated from the 10th to the 14th cent. We also compared the Florilegium Coislinianum with the Sacra Parallela and the Loci Communes.
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  20.  5
    Allegorie und Topik als Modelle der ästhetischen und epistemologischen Aufwertung von Malerei und Dichtung in den ʿRegia Carminaʾ des Convenevole da Prato.Caroline Smout - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 49 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 49 Heft: 1 Seiten: 165-202.
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  21. Über die gegenwärtige Lage unserer Bildungsanstalten.Caroline Heinrich - 2004 - In Renate Reschke, Nietzsche - Radikalaufklärer Oder Radikaler Gegenaufklärer?: Internationale Tagung der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit Mit der Kant-Forschungsstelle Mainz Und der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik Und Kunstsammlungen Vom 15.-17. Mai 2003 in Weimar. Akademie Verlag. pp. 343-350.
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    Die Selbstzerstörung der Gattung.Caroline Neubaur - 2020 - Psyche 74 (5):379-382.
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    Sammelbesprechung.Caroline Neubaur - 2022 - Psyche 76 (7):633-640.
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  24.  23
    Galien de Pergame, ou, La rhétorique de la providence: médecine, littérature et pouvoir à Rome.Caroline Petit - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    Le livre de Caroline Petit, Galien de Pergame ou la rhétorique de la Providence, constitue la première étude d’ensemble du rôle de la rhétorique dans l’œuvre de Galien, aux sources du discours médical et scientifique, et de l’autobiographie intellectuelle. Caroline Petit’s Galien de Pergame ou la rhétorique de la Providence is the first comprehensive study of the role of rhetoric in Galen’s oeuvre, a cornerstone of medical and scientific discourse and of intellectual autobiography in the West.
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  25. Bienes primarios, igualdad de oportunidas e igualdad de recursos.Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2005 - Isegoría 33.
    El cuidado de la reciprocidad y de la imparcialidad es fundamental en la tradición de la filosofía liberal. Las teorías liberales y solidarias de la justicia aspiran a establecer un acceso igual a las oportunidades y a los recursos a todos los individuos dentro de la comunidad. Sin embargo la dificultad principal que se encuentra reside en la determinación y la identificación de los recursos pertinentes que se debe tomar en cuenta. Ahora bien el análisis demuestra que ni el enfoque (...)
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  26. L’application de l’article 223-1 du Code pénal en santé.Caroline Lacroix - forthcoming - Médecine et Droit.
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  27.  13
    Le critère d’absence d’envie dans les théories contemporaines de la justice1.Caroline Lafaye - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (2):419-433.
    The non envy criterium, introduced by Tinbergen and convoqued by some theories of justice, cannot always be used to identify allocations which also satisfy the requirement of Pareto-optimality. This is the reason why it had been neglected for a while. Nevertheless, it is still useful in some contexts we would like to describe. In fact, recent conclusions of normative economy demonstrated that, in some conditions and even in the framework of production, this criterium provide a solution for fair allocations. Precisely, (...)
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    Program for the Neuropsychological Stimulation of Cognition in Students: Impact, Effectiveness, and Transfer Effects on Student Cognitive Performance.Caroline de Oliveira Cardoso, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra, Cristiano Mauro Assis Gomes & Rochele Paz Fonseca - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Uma introdução sobre a condição humana do enfermeiro docente.Caroline Lemos Martins, Sônia Maria Schio & Maira Buss Thofehrn - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (18):64-94.
    A condição humana”, de autoria de Hannah Arendt, possui conteúdos teóricos importantes para a compreensão das atividades humanas na atualidade e, entre elas, as exercidas pelos profissionais da área da saúde e neste momento, da Enfermagem. Dessa forma, pode-se analisar o relato dos Docentes de Enfermagem em relação à Vita Activa quando expõem a condição humana experienciada no cotidiano. Em outros termos, o labor está relacionado às atividades que correspondem ao processo biológico do corpo humano para garantir à subsistência: os (...)
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    Patientenverfügungen als Ausdruck individualistischer Selbstbestimmung?: Die Rolle der Angehörigen in Patientenverfügungsformularen.Caroline Zellweger, Susanne Brauer, Christopher Geth & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):201-212.
    Patientenverfügungen werden häufig als Ausdruck eines Bestrebens verstanden, ausschließlich selbst über die eigene Behandlung am Lebensende oder in anderen medizinisch kritischen Situationen entscheiden zu wollen. Kritische Stimmen wenden sich gegen eine Marginalisierung von Angehörigen oder ein verkürztes Verständnis von Autonomie, welches von der Relationalität als Grundgegebenheit menschlicher Existenz abstrahiert. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird zunächst der rechtliche Rahmen beschrieben, der die Praxis bezüglich Patientenverfügungen und Stellvertretern in der Schweiz bestimmt. Zudem werden in der Schweiz verfügbare Patientenverfügungsformulare hinsichtlich der darin vorgesehenen Rolle (...)
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    Desfamiliarização e ficção científica: Uma abordagem de base schrödingeriana à construção do objeto literário.Caroline Elisa Murr - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):35-64.
    Resumo O presente artigo aborda a construção dos objetos literários na experiência humana, com base nas ideias de Schrödinger sobre a construção da realidade, publicadas entre 1928 e 1964. Sugere-se relacionar a construção de tais objetos aos processos de resgate de invariantes e de construção de objetos científicos, na abordagem schrödingeriana. No entanto, nota-se que essa abordagem não é suficiente para explicar certos casos. Assim, propõe-se adicionar a conceituação de desfamiliarização, concebida por Shklovsky, em 1917, e revisitada por Banes, em (...)
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  32. La lettre B du Florilège Coislin: editio princeps.Ilse De Vos, Erika Gielen, Caroline Macé & Peter Van Deun - 2010 - Byzantion 80:72-120.
    The monumental Florilegium Coislinianum can be dated in the 9th-10th century and originally contained all the letters up to Omega, but now the most complete manuscript, Parisinus gr. 923 , ends at Psi. Hitherto only the third book has been made available in a critical edition, while the rest of the anthology is still not accessible in a printed version. This article presents the critical edition of the second book , containing some interesting fragments attributed e.g. to a certain Leontius (...)
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    Netzwerk „Hör‐Wissen im Wandel“ (Hrsg.), Wissensgeschichte des Hörens in der Moderne, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2017.Carolin Piotrowski - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):479-481.
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    Rezension: Müller, Lothar, Freuds Dinge. Der Diwan, die Apollokerzen & die Seele im technischen Zeitalter.Caroline Neubaur - 2021 - Psyche 75 (4):367-371.
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    (1 other version)Enquête auprès des internautes : entre croire, dire et faire.Caroline Lancelot Miltgen - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):55.
    La collecte et l'utilisation efficace des données clients constituent un enjeu stratégique et éthique majeur pour les entreprises. Depuis les années 1990, l'arrivée des NTIC est venue bouleverser la manière avec laquelle ces données sont collectées, stockées puis utilisées. Ces pratiques ne s'opèrent pas sans que les consommateurs y trouvent à redire, considérant souvent celles-ci comme une intrusion dans leur vie privée. Ce phénomène est prégnant sur Internet qui présente un environnement dans lequel les menaces sur la vie privée sont (...)
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  36.  14
    „Indignati, guerriglia black bloc“. Zur Farbenlehre des Versammlungsrechts.Carolin Behrmann - 2017 - In Behrmann Carolin, Ereignisorte des Politischen. De Gruyter. pp. 19-27.
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    Du macrocosme au microcosme, du vaste monde à l'appartement parisien, la vie morale de la Nounou.Caroline Ibos - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):123.
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    Expériences d’accompagnement de futurs enseignants ou d’enseignants débutants à différents ordres d’enseignement.Caroline Damboise, Sylvie Fortier, Lilianne Arsenault, Annie-Claude Prud’Homme & Maude Leblanc - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):6-23.
    At Symposium No. 14, which took place as part of the 7th International Symposium on Education, a round table discussion was held with five speakers from the field of education at different levels of teaching. This round table was an opportunity to discuss the issues associated with the link between beliefs and pedagogical practices among teachers at different levels of teaching, as identified by the various papers, and to review experiences or training systems implemented to help support teachers in this (...)
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    Proporções de procedimentos odontológicos realizados no município de canoas: um histórico de 10 anos.Caroline Huber Rosa, Diógenes Dias Oliveira, Caren Serra Bavaresco & Flávio Renato Reis de Moura - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):151-167.
    Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: realizar uma série histórica dos procedimentos realizados pelos serviços odontológicos na Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) no município de Canoas e verificar a redução da proporção de procedimentos de exodontia. Os dados foram coletados do Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS) e foram agrupados em blocos de procedimentos odontológicos: exodontias, restauradores, preventivos, periodontais, endodônticos/urgências e outros procedimentos. Verificou-se que houve redução da proporção de exodontias e quando foram calculadas as médias do período de 10 (...)
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    Comptes Rendus.Caroline Ehrhardt, Alain Bernard, Grégory Chambon, Samuel Gessner, Frédéric Brechenmacher, HélÈne Gispert, Rossana Tazzioli, Éric Brian, Renaud D’Enfert, Karine Chemla, Dominique Weber, Isabelle Surun, Élodie Cassan, Jean-FranCcois Goubet, Pierre-Henri Castel & Vincent Bontems - 2010 - Revue de Synthèse 131 (4):613-659.
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    Working With the Encounter: A Descriptive Account and Case Analysis of School-Based Collaborative Mental Health Care for Refugee Children in Leuven, Belgium.Caroline Spaas, Siel Verbiest, Sofie de Smet, Ruth Kevers, Lies Missotten & Lucia De Haene - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Scholars increasingly point toward schools as meaningful contexts in which to provide psychosocial care for refugee children. Collaborative mental health care in school forms a particular practice of school-based mental health care provision. Developed in Canada and inspired by systemic intervention approaches, collaborative mental health care in schools involves the formation of an interdisciplinary care network, in which mental health care providers and school partners collaborate with each other and the refugee family in a joint assessment of child development and (...)
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    Guyonne Leduc (dir.), Inégalités Femmes-hommes et utopie(s).Caroline Fayolle - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Dirigé par Guyonne Leduc, professeure au département d’études anglophones à l’Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III, ce livre collectif explore les manières dont l’utopie questionne et déstabilise les rapports de pouvoir entre les femmes et les hommes. Réunissant dix-sept contributions de chercheurs/euses issus de différentes disciplines, l’ouvrage aborde le genre utopique sous toutes ses formes : littéraire, politique, philosophique. Il apparaît que le « non-lieu » ou le « lieu idéal » cara...
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    « La toute-puissance de la barbe » Jenny P. d’Héricourt et les novateurs modernes.Caroline Arni - 2001 - Clio 13:145-154.
    Quand en 1856 Jenny P. d’Héricourt (1809-1875), sage-femme, féministe et philosophe, critiqua Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pour sa théorie sur l’infériorité féminine, celui-ci refusa tout discussion, invoquant son infériorité intellectuelle naturelle. Néanmoins d’Héricourt continua de publier de ferventes critiques des théories des philosophes sociaux de son époque sur l’inégalité des sexes. L’article veut d’une part éclairer la notion d’intellectuelle et les conditions nécessaires pour agir comme telle. D’autre part, il questionne les limites d’une existence intellectuelle féminine telles qu’elles se présentent non seulement (...)
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  44. Ereignisorte des Politischen.Behrmann Carolin - 2017 - De Gruyter.
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    La trame de la logique floue et l'usure du temps.Caroline Ehrhardt - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):261-270.
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    Etiam realis scientia: Petrus Aureolis konzeptualistische Transzendentalienlehre vor dem Hintergrund seiner Kritik am Formalitätenrealismus.Caroline Gaus - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    Based on the last 20 years research this survey offers a new perspective on Peter Aureola (TM)s doctrine of the transcendentals and thus makes it possible to take a more distinct view of the concept of metaphysics held by Scotus earliest ...
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  47. L'acceptabilité des inégalités.Caroline Guibet Lafaye & Emmanuel Bernard Picavet - 2010 - Filosofia 11 (1).
    Dans l'examen de problèmes distributifs on admet souvent qu'une répartition égale des avantages ne nécessite aucune justification, une distribution inégale ne pouvant être instituée qu'à condition d'être justifiée. Notre propos est ici d'envisager et d'évaluer les jugements négatifs motivés par un sentiment ou un diagnostic d'inégalité, pour en discerner les enjeux éthiques réels et contribuer à identifier les conditions d'acceptabilité, par les agents sociaux, de configurations inégalitaires. En particulier, il nous semble que la problématique de l'égalité des chances gagnerait à (...)
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    L’épigénétique : pour de nouvelles politiques de santé?Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2014 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 20:307-333.
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    De l'ontologie à l'éthique.Caroline Rea - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1):80-107.
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    Renunciar a Valores Políticos Comunes. La Inserción Política de la Ética.Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 27:73-87.
    Los debates actuales en torno a controversias éticas (sobre bioética o ligadasa la religión, por ejemplo) muestran que el acuerdo moral en torno avalores comunes es difícil de conseguir. Nuestras sociedades se caracterizanpor un pluralismo radical. Este articulo intenta comprobar la tesis rawlsianasegún la cual la solución a los conflictos en las sociedades pluralistasreside en la primacía sistematica de los valores de la “cultura política pública” sobre los valores privados.
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